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My lab researches mite-plant interactions. We do this by using molecular tools. At the moment the work our group is focusing on the effect global warming has on different aspects of mite-plant interactions such as the effect of heat exposure on pesticide resistance in the mites, the effect warm and warming climates has on the response of plants to mites and more. We are also interested mite salivary molecules and their targets in host plants.

Dr. Adi Kliot

Plant Protection



Physical-biological-economic-environmental simulation of interactions between irrigation water salinity and nitrogen fertilization

Dr. Alon Ben-Gal

Gilat Research Center, Soil, Water and environmental Sciences

Environmental Physics and Irrigation


Abiotic stress tolerance mechanism in Cucurbits

Dr. Amnon Cochavi

Plant science

field crops


I am interested in understanding how the environment (atmosphere, land, ocean) interacts with agriculture under current and future climate conditions and investigating important mechanisms in the context of seasonal to decadal predictability. This includes studying the effect of ocean eddies on storms, the microclimate of lakes, and crop-environment interactions.

Dr. Ehud Strobach

Soil Water and Environmental Sciences

Environmental Physics and Irrigation


The effect of geodiversity and biological soil  crusts on the functioning of runoff harvesting systems

Dr. Eli Zaady

Gilat Research Center

Natural Resources

050 - 6220158

Our lab seeks to understand the role of microorganisms in the rumen, the fermentative organ of the digestive tract of ruminants. In recent years, a link was between the production efficiency of milk and meat from cattle and the microorganisms responsible for the fermentation of the feed in the rumen. In addition, ruminant agriculture encompasses an environmental burden due to the release of the greenhouse gas methane as a result of said fermentation process. Therefore, understanding the microbiological processes in the cow may lead to new strategies for improving yield, and at the same time mitigating the negative effects of animal agriculture on the environment. Our lab focuses on the interactions between the members of the microbial community in order to understand their effect on the host animal phenotype. The work combine classical anaerobic microbiology molecular biology and metagenomics.

Dr. Elie Jami

Animal Science

Department of Ruminant Science


fertility-embryo implantation and genome editing in ruminants

Dr. Eran Gershon

Animal Science

Ruminant Science


Grape bud dormancy

Dr. Etti Or

Plant Sciences

Fruit tree sciences


Theme 1: Real-Time Detection of Subclinical Mastitis in Dairy Cows using a Smartphone                                                                                                                         Our multidisciplinary approach is based on an innovative combination of novel nanomaterials with sensitive, specific and robust capture probes to build an integrated platform, “lab-on-chip”, for label-free biosensing of subclinical mastitis.                     Theme 2: Optical Biosensing Platform for Pathogenic Contamination Screening       The overall aim of this project is to develop an integrated optical biosensing platform for continuous on-site detection of microbial load in water bodies. Specifically, the biosensing platform will be designed for the detection of predefined model bacteria by using surface-enhanced Raman spectroscopy.

Dr. Giorgi Shtenberg

Agricultural Engineering

Biosensors & Nanoengineering Lab


Dr. Moran gershoni

Animal Science

Ruminant Science


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